Monday, August 5, 2013

I-Lux Innova Calaview 2-tone Sky Blue Review

Starting off my blog with a contact lens review! OwO

actual lenses
design looks like GEO Nudy!

Diameter - 14.0 mm
Thickness - 0.10 mm
Water Content - 60%
Duration - 1 Year
Color/Design - 3
Comfort - 4
Enlargement - 3
Overall - 3

different lighting
1 lens; indoor light; flash; window light
I was hoping for a brighter aqua color, but these turned out a bit dull, especially if you're not in my face. The design looks similar to the Geo Nudy Series, so if you're looking for a cheaper alternative in Taiwan, then these might be okay.
These are surprisingly comfortable for being 0.10mm thick. Initially they are slightly irritating, but after 30sec or so they feel like my regular contacts. After 4-6 hours they start feeling dry and after 8 hours they feel like my regular contacts after 12 hours. I didn't have to put drops in too often though. So these are very comfy, but not quite as good as regular lenses. 

For 14.0mm, these enlarge very well because the design is printed very close to the edge.

face shot
not very noticeable = 3=;
I'm not sure if I would get these again, but the price is so good (~$10)! Maybe if I was going for something more natural.

Apparently the Calaview lenses are FDA approved. I checked the FDA site. =w=

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