Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Revocon color my day pop gray review

Diameter: 14.5mm
B.C.: 8.6mm
Water Content: 55%
Duration: 1 month

Color/Design: 4/5
These lenses are very bright and vibrant. The design a basically a starburst of blue, gray, and yellow. The color turns out to be a grayish aqua. -1 for being very unnatural.

Enlargement: 4/5
These are pretty big.

Comfort: 5/5
These are really comfortable for their large size.

Overall: 4/5
Good color payoff, good enlargement, good comfort. Only 1 month duration though, so they're not quite worth the price unless there's a really good deal. Get them from I've been unable to locate them elsewhere. Not sure who their OEM is.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

EOS J-101 Brown Review

I unfortunately don't have a lot of pictures of this one.
Diameter: 14.0mm
B.C.: 8.6mm
Water Content: 38%

Color/Design: 2/5
I had high hopes because the pink ones are very bright, but alas, these turned out a dark orange. Not a bad color, just not golden like I was hoping. It's only 1-toned, so no beautiful blending, but at least it doesn't look fake.

Enlargement: 1/5
Well, I wasn't getting this for enlargement. It's hard to fine bright gold lenses that are small.

Comfort: 4/5
Honestly, I don't remember the comfort, but I don't think it was bad.

Overall: 3/5
Disappointing, really.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

EOS (Old) Adult Green E-203 Review 2.0

bathroom selfie
Oh hai. I have a back log of reviews.

So I believe this EOS line is discontinued, but the design is still available in toric. I got these a long time ago from someone who used to do batch preorders, but they stopped. :< They were practically wholesale price. Anyway, on to the review.

Diameter: 14.0mm
B.C.: 8.6mm
Water Content: 38%

Color/Design: 5/5

It's good enough that I bought it a second time. Bright aqua. I particularly like the purple limbal ring.

bright closeup
in shadow closeup
Enlargement: 1/5
There's really no enlargement to speak of.

Comfort: 4/5

Perfectly acceptable comfort. The usual mild dryness after 8 hours.
a bit farther away

Overall: 4/5

Really good for bright aqua eyes without alien enlargement. Too bad they're discontinued. These were the best cheap small lenses I found. 

I hear I-dol lenses are the new desio/solitica dupes, but prettier and more natural. Also the new trend in circle lenses seems to be...small lenses?